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Regular | ¥33,917 prepaid |
Late | ¥41,336 prepaid |
「Crafting Services」は、サービスデザイン初心者がこの分野の基礎を学べる2日間のワークショップです。サービスデザインは、さまざまな専門分野を組み合わせて快適な体験をデザインしたり、ユーザー中心のソリューションを届けたりする分野です。
デザイナーや企業、組織などによって数多のツールやメソッドが使われるようになったことで、それらをなぜ、どう使うのかをより深く理解する必要が出てきました。 このワークショップは、その実践者たちが行うデイリーワークを反映したものです。
Crafting Services is a two days workshop that will introduce the basics elements for beginners in the Service Design field. Service Design is a field of practice in which many different disciplines come together to design delightful experiences and deliver user-centred solutions to people.
With the significant adoption of tools and methods, used by service designers by companies and organisations, rises the need to understand better how and why to use it. This workshop is a reflection on how is the daily work of a practitioner.
It will bring the main concepts that someone encounters when co-designing a service with user and stakeholders.
The first day will cover the principles and main theory from the service design field. The participants will learn and apply right away it in designed exercises. The second day is a deep dive in co-creation workshops, a powerful format to learn from users and engage with stakeholders.
### ワークショップの目標 | LEARNING GOALS
Understand basics concepts on design services such as Satisfaction unit, Co-creation, and Design Facilitation tools.
Be capable of applying specific methods and tools used in Service Design projects like User Journey, Service Storyboard and Service Prototyping.
Comprehend the role of a Service Designer in a project and how it relates to other stakeholders.
professionals that are starting to work with service design.
Service Designers that want to see how other designers work.
students that wish to design services.
1日目-サービスデザインの原則 | DAY 01 - Service Design Principles
「サービス」「サービスデザイン」とは何か?| What is a Service & Service Design?
サービスの構造 | Service Anatomy
B2BサービスxB2Cサービスx公共サービス | B2B Services x B2C Services x Public Services
サービスデザイナーの役割 | Service Designer Role
サティスファクション·ユニット | Satisfaction Unit
サービスのレベル | Service Levels
サービス·ジャーニー | Service Journey
2日目 – コ·クリエーションワークショップを考える | DAY 02 - Crafting Co-creation workshops
コ·クリエーションワークショップの要素と基本原則 | Elements & Principles
コ·クリエーションワークショップのカンヴァス | Co-creation Workshop Canvas
ファシリテーションツールを考える | Designing Facilitation tools
アジェンダづくり | Designing Agendas
Mauro Rego:フリーランスのリードサービス&インターフェイスデザイナー。現在はDesignitでデザイナーを務める。9年にわたりブランドやデジタルサービス、プロダクトのデザインに携わっており、テスコやアリアンツ、ウィキメディア財団をはじめ数々の組織やスタートアップをクライアントにもつ。過去にはテレコムやSAPでインハウスデザイナーも努めた。デザイナーとしての業務の傍ら8年間にわたって教育にもかかわっており、ケルン応用科学大学国際デザイン学科(KISD)ではサービス&インターフェイスデザイン、HPI Academyの「Professional Track」ではデザイン思考、「Wired Campus」ではヴィジュアルシンキングで講師を務めた。熱心なデザイナー仲間と共に非営利団体「Service Design Berlin」を運営してる。
Mauro Rego works as Freelancer Lead Service and Interface Designer currently working at Designit. For 9 years, he designs brands, digital services, and products for startups and organizations like Tesco, Allianz and Wikimedia Foundation (to name few). Before he has worked as an in-house designer for Telekom and SAP. Besides crafting, Mauro has 8 years of professional teaching experience. He has been teaching as a guest lecture Service & Interface Design at the Köln International School of Design, Design Thinking for companies at the Professional Track of the HPI Academy and Visual Thinking at Wired Campus. Together with a team of design enthusiasts, he’s running Service Design Berlin, a non-profit initiative for professionals.
The workshop will be held in English.
The goal is to bring people with a service-oriented mindset together and provide a platform for sharing experiences, exploring new tools and expanding knowledge.
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